Monday, March 25, 2013

Lax Promo

Lax Promo

I decided to use some footage a few of the guys and I put together over spring break to make a little promo for my motion graphics class. Check it out!

Friday, March 1, 2013


Looking Nervous

Everything becomes a fixation,
a place for eyes to rest while all else seems unable.
Staring at a farm house, a rooftop, even eyelids become
a quiet fixation.

And I know on a bus, on the field
I would carry any of them,
and hold the weight
of the look on the faces of each of these
men around me.

With the same look I have.

I know it's not a war
And I know we're not soldiers.
But if you have to ask,
if you can't understand
why we look this way.
I'm more concerned about what you aren't
and what you don't know
about men like us.

                                          Ian Repko 

From Here On Out

The know yourself series has officially concluded with the start of the season. The format of the videos from here on out will differ from the videos before. It's hard to say what they will look like every week, mostly because I haven't thought them all up yet. I can say they will be different from the previous videos.